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时间:2019-01-01 19:43:55   作者:GBWindows   来源:行业网站   阅读:3510  
内容摘要:WELL建筑标准TMv2版发布--更具定制性、可实现性、经济实效性的WELL v2TM试行版旨在为所有人群勾画健康前景(北京 – 2018年5月31日)- 国际WELL建筑研究院TM(IWBITM)今日在北京、纽约、伦敦和悉尼同步隆重宣布,晋级版的WELL建筑标准TM, 即WEL......





-- 更具定制性、可实现性、经济实效性的WELL v2TM 试行版旨在为所有人群勾画健康前景


(北京 – 2018年5月31日)- 国际WELL建筑研究院TM(IWBITM)今日在北京、纽约、伦敦和悉尼同步隆重宣布,晋级版的WELL建筑标准TM, 即WELLv2TM正式向全球市场推出。WELLTM是全球首个完全专注建筑如何影响人体健康的评级系统。



WELL v2版升级,包括了一整套强化手段,进一步体现IWBI在全球推动为所有人群打造健康人居环境的承诺。这次晋级前,IWBI吸收了全球34个国家已经认证或注册的上千个项目中吸取的经验教训。全球项目从今日起可以立即注册,争取WELL认证。



IWBI首席产品官瑞秋·嘎特(Rachel Gutter)表示:“自从2014年WELL问世以来, WELL 使用者、业界实践者、以及研究人员一直将WELL作为通过建筑体系为人们提供健康福祉的工具,我们从这些人群身上学到了很多经验。”她还指出:“IWBI把最新的认知、领先的研究成果、先进的技术以及先进的建筑实践结合起来,融入WELL v2版,并通过这样的努力而把健康建筑的福利带给更广泛地域的更广泛人群。”



WELL v2是一套全球性健康建筑评估系统,其真正意图是在保持WELL全面性、科学证据可验证性的前提下,即坚持项目性能必须经过验证的原则,又能给予项目更多的支持,支持项目落实那些对项目及其人"至关重要的干预措施。WELL认证系统晋级的亮点包括:






早期提交验证文件的项目有机会获得WELL设计与运营的获验证资格,获得“WELL D & O”标识,以彰显项目认证前的里程碑阶段性进展;






IWBI董事长兼首席执行官瑞克·费瑞奇(Rick Fedrizzi)表示:“全球的WELL使用者、研究人员及意见领袖在WELL v2制定过程中给于大力支",IWBI团队积极努力,将这些专家意见汇总,完成了今天这一更简化、更清晰、更专注对健康有重要影响的领域、更重视投资回报性的新版标准。”他说:“我很高兴WELL v2版给项目提供更佳的经济实效性,这将刺激市场进一步接纳WELL。”



WELL v1版阶段,亚洲已成为WELL建筑标准全球领先市场。至今,亚洲有236个项目总共5800 多万平方尺的面积已注册,其中18个项目获认证。中国是亚洲也是全球WELL注册面积最大的市场。



保利地产集团 产品研发中心负责人邱武钊表示:“WELL建筑标准引入中国3年来得到了中国跨业态项目的踊跃响应。WELL标准以人为本、对健康环境的追求与保利地产践行绿色建筑与创造美好生活的企业战略不谋而合。”2017年,保利WELL绿建注册项目共5个,合计52358平方米。邱武钊表示:“未来,保利地产将继续携手晋级后的WELL v2,结合保利全生命周期居住系统,共同创造健康人居典范。”



IWBI亚洲区总裁雪娅表示:“自从2015年进入中国市场,WELL至今在亚洲发展势头喜人,我们每天听到来自项目的令人鼓舞的见证,亲眼看到越来越多的人得以在WELL项目提供的更健康环境中生活、工作、学习或娱乐。今天向市场推出更完善的WELL v2新版本,势必会得到市场更强烈的欢迎,促使更多项目加入健康建筑行列。”


费瑞奇表示:“改善的WELL v2有能力带动建筑与社区让人能更健康茁壮地在其中生活,我们期待市场在 行试行版期间积极提供反馈。”


关于WELL v2版更多信息,可浏览IWBI官方网页https://v2.wellcertified.com




国际WELL建筑研究院TM(IWBITM)正引领一场全球性的s筑与社区变革运动,宗旨是提升人体健康与生机。WELL v2是在全球已有名气、并仍服务市场的WELL建筑标准TM、以及为全球健康社区作评估体系的WELL社区标sTM试行版基础上发布的升级版。WELL完全专注于如何通过建筑、社区以及其中的所有要素来提升人们的舒适感、促使人们每天做更佳的选择、而且更能提升(而不是损害)人体健康。IWBI通过管理WELL  AP资格认定、进行相关领域的研究、分享WELL教育资源、促进有益健康的公共政策等手段,汇集、动员了全球WELL专业人群。




吴晓恬:86 186 1000 0491



IWBI (New York)                                                 

Callie Stanton                                        







IWBI Launches WELL v2ä


--New version of the WELL Building Standardä customizable, accessible and more affordable to drive healthier future for all

(NEW YORK -- May 31, 2018) – Launched today worldwide and celebrated with fanfare in New York, Beijing, London and Sydney, the International WELL Building InstituteTM (IWBITM) unveiled the WELL v2ä pilot, the next version of its pioneering WELL Building StandardTM, the first rating system to focus exclusively on the impacts of buildings on human health and wellness.

This second iteration includes a full suite of enhancements that advance IWBI’s global commitment to build a healthier future for all. WELL v2 is informed by key lessons learned from the nearly 1,000 projects that are registered or certified in 33 countries across the world. Users can register for WELL v2 starting today.

“Since our launch in 2014, we’ve learned a lot from the thousands of WELL users, practitioners and researchers who have embraced WELL as a tool for making buildings mechanisms to deliver health and wellness benefits for all,” said IWBI Chief Product Officer, Rachel Gutter. “WELL v2 is our effort to consolidate the latest knowledge, leading research, new technology and advanced building practice to extend the benefits of WELL buildings to more people in more places.” 

A truly global rating system, the intent behind WELL v2 is to empower project teams to pursue the interventions that matter most to their project and their community without sacrificing WELL’s comprehensive and evidence-based approach and commitment to performance verification.  Refinements and enhancements to the rating system include:

A new feature set with fewer preconditions and weighted optimizations.

A consolidation of multiple pilots into one WELL, and improvements to the “All Projects In” approach introduced last year.

New pathways to achieve intents, with a laser focus on feasibility for existing buildings and commercial interiors.

An optional early phase review for projects wishing to earn a WELL D&O TM designation that affirms and celebrates progress toward WELL Certification.

A new approach to performance verification allowing projects to contract local providers.

A commitment to equity through market- and sector-specific pricing, a focus on localization and the introduction of a dynamic scorecard.

A comprehensive and significant adjustment to pricing, including a new subscription option.

“The IWBI team has worked tirelessly to aggregate the expert contributions of our worldwide community of users, researchers and thought leaders whose hands-on engagement with     WELL v2 is evident throughout,” said IWBI CEO and Chairman, Rick Fedrizzi. “The result is a rating system that’s simpler, clearer, focused on the aspects that have the greatest impact, and designed for improved return on impact across every metric. I’m especially excited about the significant cost efficiencies that have been built in, which will help spur uptake and increase accessibility to WELL for all market sectors.”

Asia has been a market leader for WELL global adoption under WELL v1. Today, there are 236 projects registered to pursue WELL, 18 of which have been WELL Certified. Total registered space in Asia is 58 million square feet with China being a top performing country. 


“WELL has been attracting projects across all sectors to pursue certification in China in the past three years," said Wuzhao Qiu, Head of Product Research and Development at Poly Real Estate Group. "Poly's commitment to building green for the sustainability of the planet and human health is perfectly aligned with WELL's human health-centric philosophy." Poly was one of China's early adopters of WELL with five projects totaling over 500,000 square feet in space pursuing WELL v1 Certification. Qiu said Poly is excited to evolve with WELL and commits more of its projects for WELL Certification under v2.


“WELL has seen tremendous growth momentum in Asia since its debut in 2015,” said Xue Ya, President of IWBI Asia. “We are humbled to hear amazing testimonials on a daily basis from project teams and the many people who get to work, live, learn and entertain in these WELL Certified spaces, and, we are proud to share what is yet to come in WELL v2.” At the WELL v2 launch event in Beijing, Xue Ya and her team noted that they anticipate an even broader adoption of WELL as the market is now more ready to tune into this global movement.

“With these changes, WELL v2 sharpens our ability to drive far-reaching change to buildings and communities in ways that help people thrive,” said Fedrizzi.  “We’re looking forward to the market’s feedback as we move through this pilot phase.”

For more information about WELL v2, visit us: https://v2.wellcertified.com



About IWBI

The International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) is leading the global movement to transform our buildings and communities in ways that help people thrive.  The WELL v2 pilot is a recently launched version of its popular WELL Building Standard, which will continue to be offered to the market, and the WELL Community Standard pilot, a district scale rating system that sets a new global benchmark for healthy communities.  WELL is focused exclusively on the ways that buildings and communities, and everything in them, can improve our comfort, drive better choices, and generally enhance, not compromise, our health and wellness.  IWBI convenes and mobilizes the wellness community through management of the WELL AP credential, the pursuit of applicable research, the development of educational resources, and advocacy for policies that promote health and wellness everywhere.


Media Contact:

Xiaotian Wu86 186 1000 0491



IWBI (New York)                                                 

Callie Stanton                                        



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